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Friday 12 April 2013

Ten Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

Hey guys!
So this is basically a rant post but the internet may as well know some facts about me. Yeah.

1. I hate swearing. I don't hate people who swear, but it's like, you've been told swearing is bad so you're gonna swear? I find it quite stubborn. It has a lot to do with fact number two but these thoughts have developed as I've tried to stop myself from cursing. Sometimes I say a bad word under my breath and I'll sound like a hypocrite but I'm trying.
2. I'm a Christian. I found my own faith as neither my mum or dad classifies themselves Christian (my dad's a pretty full blown atheist) and my brother hasn't decided yet. I am trying to complete the Bible but with all of the complicated wording I'm struggling.
3. I like very mainstream music but I won't refuse to listen to a song because it's not in the charts. Some of my favourite artists include Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, The Script, McFly, all those types of people.
4. I'm an avid fan fiction writer. It's usually One Direction fan fiction. I know, I don't particularly like 1D and that's weird but they're interesting people to write about. You can add interesting twists in there (although I don't like the whole 'Niall Horan just happens to be my cousin' malarkey) and the words just flow from my pen to paper/fingers to keyboard.
5. I ballet dance. Don't judge me. It's not all pirouettes and it doesn't make me a delicate little flower. Just because I'm small and I have to look delicate doesn't mean I can't floor my little brother. And anyway, dancing is really hard. You have to point your toes and squeeze everything in and balance for long periods of time and still look pretty at the same time, and that's all whilst remembering a routine and jumping and skipping and leaping around the room. So there.
6. I am trying to recover from trichotillomania. I've never told anyone this before and people who I know have access to this but I'm trying to be honest here. Trichotillomania is when you pluck the hair from your head, strand by strand, until your head gets patchy and you get relief, stress relief, from doing so. I haven't done it in a while but I have patches of short hair as a reminder to myself of the damage it's done. I'm not opting for the sympathy vote.
7. I'm a vegetarian. I decided when I was seven (that's punny), and as a strong minded seven year old, I was doing it with no arguments. Even though my mum gave me pepperoni and let me eat it until I was nine, and never taught me about gelatine and that Haribos were out of bounds, I've lasted until now and I'm proud of myself above the people who claim they're veggies, then go eat ham.
8. I'm a very messy person. Recently my bedroom's looking better than usual right now and would like to keep it clean and tidy, I find it hard to do so. I get easily distracted and I'm very lazy also, which doesn't help. But I'm giving the world of clean a go.
9. I'm a languages person. I love French and German (my current languages) and the concept of the world of communication, the ability to be able to commune with more and more people being right at my doorstep thrills me and keeps me engaged in the wonderful world of language.
10. The last thing you probably don't know about me is I'm so, so forgetful. I lose everything - earphones, bus pass, keys, exercise book. I'd lose my phone if it wasn't (basically) glued to my hand.

I hope you enjoyed a little slice of my life. There's posts every Friday and Sunday so don't forget to follow.

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The header of this blog has a picture from Love is Soup and I'd be really grateful if you checked out her work.